Project Isaiah is utilizing a Community Participatory Action Research approach to address school based trauma


Parents of 3E Children : Facebook Group

Read this book, We Want to Do More Than Survive (2019) by Dr. Bettina Love or if you have read that, check out her next book, Punished for Dreaming (2023)

Follow us and join the journey on Facebook

Check out these resources on understanding systems of oppression

green plant on persons hand
green plant on persons hand

3E is a term coined by parents of children who are 2E and BIPOC. This is a private group at this time only for parents of 3E children. Being developed and managed by Project Isaiah.

2E Parent Groups (not managed by Project Isaiah)
School Based Trauma : Advocacy Resources

Resources for Advocates/Allies/Disrupters

new to the idea of school-based trauma

Special Education Advocates at an affordable rate:

Can't afford an advocate? PASEN has a fantastic Facebook group where you can learn all about rights, resources, and more! IEP/504 Support & Assistance | Facebook

PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance) Autism Profile

PDA Resources / Coaching by Dr. Casey Ehrlich who has lived experience as a mother of a child PDAer At Peace Parents (She offers a lot of resources that are valuable to teachers, community members, and family members beyond parents for free on social media)

Book: Understanding Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome in Children: A guide for Parents, Teachers, and Other Professionals

PDA & Parenting Facebook Private Group for Parents

Research / Resources on School-Based Trauma